Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Drugs destroy or ruin millions of lives every year. Thus society owes a debt of gratitude to those who dedicate themselves to salvaging others from the harmful effects of drug abuse. Sadly, such educational groups and beneficial organizations are sometimes attacked by individual officials or vested interest groups who in some way benefit from keeping our society on drugs. It has been proven again and again that those who try to attack or hinder people who are salvaging others from the scourge of drugs have an agenda to promote drugs or allow them to proliferate.

Avoiding drugs is a question of attitude. A child who truly understands the dangers of drugs will know why he should say "no" to illegal substances.

Bombarded with music, television programs, ads and Internet sites which constantly promote drug use, children sometimes do not understand the dangers of such substances. They may have the idea that it is safe to casually experiment with drugs.

"Why not?" is too often the prevailing attitude.

Yet former addicts say one should never become involved with drugs, even to just try them. One seldom knows he is succumbing to the grip of drugs, as awareness of his own condition gradually diminishes with continued drug use. Most marijuana smokers think they can quit. Few, however, do.

A person may try a drug two, five, or even ten times before finding himself suddenly addicted. Sometimes, just a single instance of drug use can lead a child straight into the hell of addiction.

There is an effective weapon to keep your children from falling into the trap of drugs: KNOWLEDGE. Moralizing lectures serve no purpose. The present generation must learn to refuse drugs by knowing why they are dangerous. And it is our job as parents or friends to help them learn the truth.

These are difficult times. But think about the future: will you be sharing it with people who are drug addicts, sick and without hope? Or with those who are healthy, productive and happy?

It is possible to live free of drugs. With this booklet, we want to contribute to a better, brighter and more promising future. The war on drugs will be won only if we work with our children to achieve victory.

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